I just want to say that I am enjoying breastfeeding. I love the great connection between us. I am amazed at how much a little one can grow just from milk from me. It wasn't easy at first especially with all the complications I experienced with the birth and after that. I did waiver and almost gave up and I was one who was determined to MAKE it work out (my pre-baby plan anyway). The nurses were encouraging. But it was my mom who really helped me get through the toughest parts and knew what I needed to do. It was one of the only things that worked out, which is one of the best things to have had work out.
Until next time...
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Better pizza
I love knowing what I am going to make for supper each day. I wrote on a calendar for the month and bought everything.
Here is my first pizza using dough made from scratch. I made a few batches and froze them. I thawed this one out and let it rise. I used a bit too much alfredo sauce though. I would like to make an easy alfredo or white sauce instead of the jar stuff. I used canned chicken and added season-all and diced up some tomato. Of course I topped it off with a few different cheeses. Blake and I like this one. Score!
Friday, September 25, 2009
I love being a mom! It is hard but I love that girl!
Yesterday I was thinking about my birthday coming up. I literally stopped when I realized I am going to be 31. I think that is harder than turning 30. Last year I had fun at the water park for my 30th birthday. I won't be able to say I'm 30. I've come to the point where people say "oh she's in her 30s." ha! Oh well. I love where I'm at in my life. God is good!
Until next time...
Yesterday I was thinking about my birthday coming up. I literally stopped when I realized I am going to be 31. I think that is harder than turning 30. Last year I had fun at the water park for my 30th birthday. I won't be able to say I'm 30. I've come to the point where people say "oh she's in her 30s." ha! Oh well. I love where I'm at in my life. God is good!
Until next time...
Monday, August 03, 2009
Emma's blog
We had Emma Joy on 7/8/09. You can see her at her blog http://bundleofemmajoy.blogspot.com/
Until next time...
Until next time...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I want pizza
For most of my pregnancy I haven't been able to eat red sauce or garlic. So, that means no spaghetti, lasagna, or pizza. My whole stomach would feel like it was burning (not heartburn) for about 24 hours or more. Needless to say, I haven't been in a rush to try again. We've had taco pizza a couple times and that was good other than a little heartburn.
So, I tried making a pizza with alfredo a few days ago. I used a whole white wheat pizza dough mix from the Dakota Pride show I went to awhile ago. I put a jar of alfredo sauce, leftover chicken from the whole crockpot chicken, and a few black olives. Then added cheese on top.
Blake has been grilling a lot lately. That has been tasty. Here's a picture of my grillmaster on a hot and windy day!

Until next time...
So, I tried making a pizza with alfredo a few days ago. I used a whole white wheat pizza dough mix from the Dakota Pride show I went to awhile ago. I put a jar of alfredo sauce, leftover chicken from the whole crockpot chicken, and a few black olives. Then added cheese on top.
Here are some pictures. I wouldn't make the crust so thick next time because it was too soft and was very whole wheat-tasting and maybe add a bit more cheese. Plus, I would make it on my Pampered Chef pizza stone since I forgot about that this time!

Blake has been grilling a lot lately. That has been tasty. Here's a picture of my grillmaster on a hot and windy day!
Until next time...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Well, I am about 36 weeks pregnant now. I felt well from about 25 weeks til about 30/31 weeks. Now I am just really uncomfortably big. People say I am all baby, so I'm glad I'm not really fat and all baby. I've gained about 20 lbs. prepregnancy. We'll see on Friday at the doctor.
Thank the Lord that I sleep well though! That I can do for most of the night and day! ha! God knew the perfect timing for the pregnancy. I don't know how I would teach right now...not on my own strength that's for sure.
She moves all the time. She's powerful. I call her fiesty! I wish I had written down when I think she turned but one time it was in the middle of the night and my whole belly moved. Now I think she's just running out of room. Her head has been down for a couple months now. Her feet kick the left side of my belly and sometimes that results in her bottom pressing on the right side of my belly at about the same time. That's a real comfy feeling! She'll press her head down too which isn't real pleasant either. I'd rather feel her move than not though. I tend to try to "wake" her if she hasn't moved for awhile. It is such a relief when she finally does. No need to worry.
We have tons of clothes for her. Lots of pink. A few things of yellow, green, purple, blue...I have tried to get bigger sizes now at rummage sales. My mom has come a couple Saturdays to wash all the clothes, bassinet covering, etc. That's been a lot of help. It's hard to go up and down the stairs with swollen/hurting feet and running out of breath.
A couple weeks ago was the first time I had noticeably swollen feet, some blurred vision, and protein in my urine. So, the doctor had me come back in a week instead of 2, but I needed to drink lots of water during that week. When I went back I didn't have anymore edema in my ankles, just normal swelling of my feet, no protein. My blood pressure has always been excellent throughout the pregnancy. So, no preeclampsia, just dehydrated. It seems like an easy solution to just drink lots of water and rest often, but it isn't always. But I'm glad that I can do something to help it.
We attended classes in June. I went to a breastfeeding one. Then both Blake and I went to the child passenger safety class, baby care basics, and childbirth preparation. They were all helpful in some way. I feel as prepared as I can be for breastfeeding. I got an electric pump. I didn't feel I needed the really expensive one since I will be home most of the time and will only use it occassionally. The one I bought, Lansinoh, was on the list the hospital recommended too, so I felt good about that. I even got it on sale for $40 less and free shipping off my Target registry! It'll be interesting. I grew up with breastfeeding, but when it came down to me actually doing it it felt a bit strange to think about it. The first time I tried on a nursing bra in the store I freaked out in the dressing room. It was too strange and I left the store. ha! Now I am looking forward to providing for my baby.
The carseat safety class was good so we know what to do and what not to do to keep the baby safe. The baby care basics was good because she showed lots of pictures of what is normal or okay in a baby. Some of the things I think I would be concerned about but she explained why it is normal. Then we "bathed" a doll.
The childbirth prep. class was good. I knew a lot of it already but it was good to discuss things with Blake as he was learning it. We had to practice breathing techniques while putting a hand in a bag of ice water to symbolize a contraction. I think a focal point and a birthing ball may help me too. We'll see. My plan is to try to do everything natural...take it's course...but I am willing to have an epidural if it comes to that. I do not want to induce with pitocin, absolutely no stadol. There is such a high link of pitocin, to epidural, to c-sections that I want to avoid that as much as possible. But who knows. I am going in with a plan, but things can change quickly if needed. I just don't want to go in there feeling one way and coming out feeling like I failed if it doesn't happen that way. But I have seen births on TV(Baby Story/Birth Day), movies (The Business of Being Born/class video), etc. and see how wonderful it is to do it all natural. God is the deliverer.
All natural...is almost the "new" way of doing things. I think that is strange. Why is the way God intended things the strange, or less used way. I'm thinking in ways of birth and breastfeeding especially. It's interesting. I have learned a new word that I have heard twice now pertaining to natural ways...granola. Example-That lady who makes her own soap and does things all natural is really granola. Some say it negatively, some say it positively. I'm still learning it so I may be using it a bit incorrectly.
I'm not sure if using cloth diapers/wipes is considered granola, but maybe. We plan on using a combination of disposable and cloth diapers and wipes. A friend from church knew someone who was selling her cloth diapers, wipes, etc. and I was able to get them. So, I got several size medium fuzzi bunz. Plus, tons of inserts and cloth wipes. She gave me a very reasonable price and they are in pretty good condition. I was excited to get them.
I'll have to post some pictures soon. I'm getting tired and you're probably getting tired of reading.
So, until next time...
Thank the Lord that I sleep well though! That I can do for most of the night and day! ha! God knew the perfect timing for the pregnancy. I don't know how I would teach right now...not on my own strength that's for sure.
She moves all the time. She's powerful. I call her fiesty! I wish I had written down when I think she turned but one time it was in the middle of the night and my whole belly moved. Now I think she's just running out of room. Her head has been down for a couple months now. Her feet kick the left side of my belly and sometimes that results in her bottom pressing on the right side of my belly at about the same time. That's a real comfy feeling! She'll press her head down too which isn't real pleasant either. I'd rather feel her move than not though. I tend to try to "wake" her if she hasn't moved for awhile. It is such a relief when she finally does. No need to worry.
We have tons of clothes for her. Lots of pink. A few things of yellow, green, purple, blue...I have tried to get bigger sizes now at rummage sales. My mom has come a couple Saturdays to wash all the clothes, bassinet covering, etc. That's been a lot of help. It's hard to go up and down the stairs with swollen/hurting feet and running out of breath.
A couple weeks ago was the first time I had noticeably swollen feet, some blurred vision, and protein in my urine. So, the doctor had me come back in a week instead of 2, but I needed to drink lots of water during that week. When I went back I didn't have anymore edema in my ankles, just normal swelling of my feet, no protein. My blood pressure has always been excellent throughout the pregnancy. So, no preeclampsia, just dehydrated. It seems like an easy solution to just drink lots of water and rest often, but it isn't always. But I'm glad that I can do something to help it.
We attended classes in June. I went to a breastfeeding one. Then both Blake and I went to the child passenger safety class, baby care basics, and childbirth preparation. They were all helpful in some way. I feel as prepared as I can be for breastfeeding. I got an electric pump. I didn't feel I needed the really expensive one since I will be home most of the time and will only use it occassionally. The one I bought, Lansinoh, was on the list the hospital recommended too, so I felt good about that. I even got it on sale for $40 less and free shipping off my Target registry! It'll be interesting. I grew up with breastfeeding, but when it came down to me actually doing it it felt a bit strange to think about it. The first time I tried on a nursing bra in the store I freaked out in the dressing room. It was too strange and I left the store. ha! Now I am looking forward to providing for my baby.
The carseat safety class was good so we know what to do and what not to do to keep the baby safe. The baby care basics was good because she showed lots of pictures of what is normal or okay in a baby. Some of the things I think I would be concerned about but she explained why it is normal. Then we "bathed" a doll.
The childbirth prep. class was good. I knew a lot of it already but it was good to discuss things with Blake as he was learning it. We had to practice breathing techniques while putting a hand in a bag of ice water to symbolize a contraction. I think a focal point and a birthing ball may help me too. We'll see. My plan is to try to do everything natural...take it's course...but I am willing to have an epidural if it comes to that. I do not want to induce with pitocin, absolutely no stadol. There is such a high link of pitocin, to epidural, to c-sections that I want to avoid that as much as possible. But who knows. I am going in with a plan, but things can change quickly if needed. I just don't want to go in there feeling one way and coming out feeling like I failed if it doesn't happen that way. But I have seen births on TV(Baby Story/Birth Day), movies (The Business of Being Born/class video), etc. and see how wonderful it is to do it all natural. God is the deliverer.
All natural...is almost the "new" way of doing things. I think that is strange. Why is the way God intended things the strange, or less used way. I'm thinking in ways of birth and breastfeeding especially. It's interesting. I have learned a new word that I have heard twice now pertaining to natural ways...granola. Example-That lady who makes her own soap and does things all natural is really granola. Some say it negatively, some say it positively. I'm still learning it so I may be using it a bit incorrectly.
I'm not sure if using cloth diapers/wipes is considered granola, but maybe. We plan on using a combination of disposable and cloth diapers and wipes. A friend from church knew someone who was selling her cloth diapers, wipes, etc. and I was able to get them. So, I got several size medium fuzzi bunz. Plus, tons of inserts and cloth wipes. She gave me a very reasonable price and they are in pretty good condition. I was excited to get them.
I'll have to post some pictures soon. I'm getting tired and you're probably getting tired of reading.
So, until next time...
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
I title this one "bacteria" because I have had it lately. I had a urinary tract infection (UTI) and strep throat, but not at the same time. Thank the Lord!
At almost 21 weeks I started getting really uncomfortable in my lower abdomen. It was a Monday. I thought it may be round ligaments, but I didn't think I could make it through the pregnancy if I had to be that uncomfortable. I began wearing the belly support belt and stretching. The next day was a snow day and I slept most of the day and was in pain. Round ligaments usually pull when changing positions, etc. I would feel pain or squeezing while I was just sitting or lying there. Blake suggested I should go to the doctor. School was 2 hours late the next day because of the snow clean up. So, Blake took me to the doctor and my class was being taken care of if I was going to be late. Right away Dr. Greek checked the baby's heartbeat and I cried because I was so glad she was ok. He could barely touch my abdomen without it hurting. One of my kidneys was getting tender to touch too. The urinalysis confirmed a UTI. I got an antibiotic and I felt better within 24 hours. That was so painful!
I got done with that antibiotic the next Wednesday and the following Saturday night I started to get a sore throat. The next day it was worsening. Monday I went to school but didn't teach. I went to the doctor and the strep test came back positive. I couldn't talk or swallow my own saliva without it hurting. Sooo painful! I got another antibiotic. I trust the doctors but I still wonder if the antibiotics are safe while pregnant. Anyway, I stayed home Tuesday and we had another snow day on Wednesday. So, I taught 2 days.
In between the two illnesses I had my regular monthly appointment. I met with the resident, Dr. Lantoria, for the first time. He will be fine I think. Dr. Greek pushed on my tummy to help me feel her move. I couldn't even though he said he could feel her move. I hadn't felt her move very much or on a consistant basis.
So far so good this week! It's Wednesday. I feel her move a lot now. She is strong! She surprises me sometimes. I guess I startle her too. One evening my tummy made a loud gurgle and I felt her move on both sides of my tummy. ha! Monday I told Blake that I hadn't felt her move very much that day, but I had been moving and teaching most of the day. So, he rubbed my belly slightly. Well, that's all it took. She began kicking and making my belly move. Blake was able to feel it once too. It's so fun! Our baby!
Today we toured the birthing center and registered all the information they need to know when we come in to have the baby. It is nice to know that we just have to go in and a lot of the stuff is already done. It also makes me a bit nervous about the labor and the pain, but no turning back now! ha! I don't really want to anyway.
The schoolyear is winding down. Since I've been sick and always tired I am looking forward to summer vacation. I am also trying to savor these last 2 months of working in one of the most wonderful places to be. I will miss the staff. I will miss the kids. I keep thinking that I am leaving but I will never leave completely. I would love to help out and support the school in different capacities in the future. Then our kids will go there...through high school if that continues to develop. I wouldn't have them anywhere else.
God is good.
Until next time...
At almost 21 weeks I started getting really uncomfortable in my lower abdomen. It was a Monday. I thought it may be round ligaments, but I didn't think I could make it through the pregnancy if I had to be that uncomfortable. I began wearing the belly support belt and stretching. The next day was a snow day and I slept most of the day and was in pain. Round ligaments usually pull when changing positions, etc. I would feel pain or squeezing while I was just sitting or lying there. Blake suggested I should go to the doctor. School was 2 hours late the next day because of the snow clean up. So, Blake took me to the doctor and my class was being taken care of if I was going to be late. Right away Dr. Greek checked the baby's heartbeat and I cried because I was so glad she was ok. He could barely touch my abdomen without it hurting. One of my kidneys was getting tender to touch too. The urinalysis confirmed a UTI. I got an antibiotic and I felt better within 24 hours. That was so painful!
I got done with that antibiotic the next Wednesday and the following Saturday night I started to get a sore throat. The next day it was worsening. Monday I went to school but didn't teach. I went to the doctor and the strep test came back positive. I couldn't talk or swallow my own saliva without it hurting. Sooo painful! I got another antibiotic. I trust the doctors but I still wonder if the antibiotics are safe while pregnant. Anyway, I stayed home Tuesday and we had another snow day on Wednesday. So, I taught 2 days.
In between the two illnesses I had my regular monthly appointment. I met with the resident, Dr. Lantoria, for the first time. He will be fine I think. Dr. Greek pushed on my tummy to help me feel her move. I couldn't even though he said he could feel her move. I hadn't felt her move very much or on a consistant basis.
So far so good this week! It's Wednesday. I feel her move a lot now. She is strong! She surprises me sometimes. I guess I startle her too. One evening my tummy made a loud gurgle and I felt her move on both sides of my tummy. ha! Monday I told Blake that I hadn't felt her move very much that day, but I had been moving and teaching most of the day. So, he rubbed my belly slightly. Well, that's all it took. She began kicking and making my belly move. Blake was able to feel it once too. It's so fun! Our baby!
Today we toured the birthing center and registered all the information they need to know when we come in to have the baby. It is nice to know that we just have to go in and a lot of the stuff is already done. It also makes me a bit nervous about the labor and the pain, but no turning back now! ha! I don't really want to anyway.
The schoolyear is winding down. Since I've been sick and always tired I am looking forward to summer vacation. I am also trying to savor these last 2 months of working in one of the most wonderful places to be. I will miss the staff. I will miss the kids. I keep thinking that I am leaving but I will never leave completely. I would love to help out and support the school in different capacities in the future. Then our kids will go there...through high school if that continues to develop. I wouldn't have them anywhere else.
God is good.
Until next time...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Heartbeat at home
We met with a UND student for the 2nd time today for the expected mothers program for nursing students. I actually know her from college; ever since being suitemates my first year. It is fun to see Erica again.
She brought the machine to practice hearing the baby's heartbeat. It was fun. We think she, the baby, kept trying to move away from the "microphone". We would hear it and then it would fade and then she'd find it in a different spot. It was funny! She's feisty already!
Until next time...
She brought the machine to practice hearing the baby's heartbeat. It was fun. We think she, the baby, kept trying to move away from the "microphone". We would hear it and then it would fade and then she'd find it in a different spot. It was funny! She's feisty already!
Until next time...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Monday we saw our beautiful little baby on ultrasound. It is one of the most amazing things. One can see the head, face, spine, 4 chambers of the heart, kidneys, bladder, hands, legs/feet kicking, among other things. It was hard to see if it is a boy or girl, but Dr. Greek thinks it's a girl. She kept crossing her ankles, so it was a little hard to tell.
The most important thing is that everything looked good. It did. Praise the Lord!
One of the first still pictures of the baby was a facial shot that we were able to take home. Dr. Greek says he thinks she looks like she's frowning. On the way home I told Blake that of course she was frowning; he woke her up! Then Blake said "she's like her mother in that way." haha It's funny, but so true!
I am 18 weeks now. I continue to feel somewhat better, but not 100% yet. I'm not really feeling her kick yet. Just the rolling/fluttering, etc. sometimes so far.
We've only thought of girl names that we like, so hopefully the doctor isn't wrong! ha He was right with the Crawford kids and 2 of them were girls, so he gets it pretty accurate I think.
It all makes me want to meet her even though she is only about half a pound.
Lord, help this little one grow normally and be safe. Thank you that we can trust you no matter what.
Until next time...
The most important thing is that everything looked good. It did. Praise the Lord!
One of the first still pictures of the baby was a facial shot that we were able to take home. Dr. Greek says he thinks she looks like she's frowning. On the way home I told Blake that of course she was frowning; he woke her up! Then Blake said "she's like her mother in that way." haha It's funny, but so true!
I am 18 weeks now. I continue to feel somewhat better, but not 100% yet. I'm not really feeling her kick yet. Just the rolling/fluttering, etc. sometimes so far.
We've only thought of girl names that we like, so hopefully the doctor isn't wrong! ha He was right with the Crawford kids and 2 of them were girls, so he gets it pretty accurate I think.
It all makes me want to meet her even though she is only about half a pound.
Lord, help this little one grow normally and be safe. Thank you that we can trust you no matter what.
Until next time...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Well, I'm feeling better during the day. I am pretty much "done" for the day about 6pm. I am pretty tired then. I need to eat whenever I wake up at night and before I get out of bed in the morning. I can finally stomach saltine crackers.
I've been getting bigger. Blake said that I am walking like a pregnant woman sometimes. He wants to make sure I include that he thinks it is cute! awww!
Monday, we find out if the baby is a boy or girl. I've been leaning toward boy, Blake thinks girl. I really don't know. It would be nice to have a boy as the oldest, but it would be fun to buy pink frilly things for a girl.
I think I might have felt the baby moving on Saturday. It is kind of a rolling, fluttering feeling. It is neat and helps further the bonding. I do want to be certain of feeling it all the time though. All in due time, then too much kicking.
Monday's ultrasound will show me if the baby is alright so I can worry a little less.
I am 17 weeks pregnant.
I plan to breastfeed.
I plan to use a combination of disposable and cloth diapers. I have looked at bum genius and fuzzi bunz cloth diapers online. If you have used both or either, please give me your advice and experiences. Where you recommend buying them would also be helpful. Any other cloth diaper advice is invited as well.
We (the teachers, staff, and kids) were to dress up for school as a Bible character, your hero, what you want to be when you grow up, etc. I didn't really think of anything, so I went as myself. I was a teacher who wants to be a mom. ha!
Until next time...
I've been getting bigger. Blake said that I am walking like a pregnant woman sometimes. He wants to make sure I include that he thinks it is cute! awww!
Monday, we find out if the baby is a boy or girl. I've been leaning toward boy, Blake thinks girl. I really don't know. It would be nice to have a boy as the oldest, but it would be fun to buy pink frilly things for a girl.
I think I might have felt the baby moving on Saturday. It is kind of a rolling, fluttering feeling. It is neat and helps further the bonding. I do want to be certain of feeling it all the time though. All in due time, then too much kicking.
Monday's ultrasound will show me if the baby is alright so I can worry a little less.
I am 17 weeks pregnant.
I plan to breastfeed.
I plan to use a combination of disposable and cloth diapers. I have looked at bum genius and fuzzi bunz cloth diapers online. If you have used both or either, please give me your advice and experiences. Where you recommend buying them would also be helpful. Any other cloth diaper advice is invited as well.
We (the teachers, staff, and kids) were to dress up for school as a Bible character, your hero, what you want to be when you grow up, etc. I didn't really think of anything, so I went as myself. I was a teacher who wants to be a mom. ha!
Until next time...
Monday, January 19, 2009
We heard the heartbeat of the baby today...around 145 beats/minute. Everything seems to be going well. The Dr. said I should be able to feel the baby moving in about a month. Yay! Next month we will have an ultrasound. That will be exciting!
I was feeling pretty good this morning.
The other night when I couldn't sleep I started praying which is usually what I tend to do. God lays people on my heart that need prayer or just anything. I was thinking about this baby, our child. I was praying for it's development, etc. But ultimately I was thinking what do I and what does God want for this little person. A lot of parents will say that they just want their kids to be happy and have a good life. I prayed that he or she would grow up to know and live for Christ Jesus as his or her Savior. Of course I want our child to be happy, but more than that I want him or her to know the JOY of fellowship and life with Christ. Now, how does a parent "train up" a child to do this...trusting God to give us wisdom. He is faithful.
Until next time...
I was feeling pretty good this morning.
The other night when I couldn't sleep I started praying which is usually what I tend to do. God lays people on my heart that need prayer or just anything. I was thinking about this baby, our child. I was praying for it's development, etc. But ultimately I was thinking what do I and what does God want for this little person. A lot of parents will say that they just want their kids to be happy and have a good life. I prayed that he or she would grow up to know and live for Christ Jesus as his or her Savior. Of course I want our child to be happy, but more than that I want him or her to know the JOY of fellowship and life with Christ. Now, how does a parent "train up" a child to do this...trusting God to give us wisdom. He is faithful.
Until next time...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Almost 14 weeks pregnant!
Yes, I am pregnant with our first child. I have pretty much been feeling icky (morning sickness all day) for the past 3 months or since Thanksgiving. We found out Nov. 18 using a home pregnancy test. I have been wanting fruit, fruit, and more fruit (mostly oranges, pineapple, frozen berries, and grapes). I like tacos and sloppy joes too. I've never liked popsicles and sherbet so much! I have had quite a few food aversions. I have lost count how many times I have puked now. Brushing my teeth poses a problem and triggers the gagging. This past week I had 2 days where I felt better. I'm feeling ok today. I'm constantly tired. I do know it could be worse.
Our first appointment with the doctor was Dec. 22. We were almost 10 wks. My uterus is tilted so we couldn't hear the heartbeat, so we were able to see the heart beating 170 beats/minute (good and strong) through ultrasound. We got 3 ultrasound pictures. The length was good.
Also, I kept having a "pain" or uncomfortable feeling on the left side of my abdomen. The doctor first thought it was the round ligament pulling, but further investigation suggested that it was a cyst on my ovary. He said it is normal and will go away. I read further in What to Expect When You Are Expecting. It said that women have corpus luteum develop each month and it sheds after 14 days. Then the woman has her menstrual period. But when a woman gets pregnant it stays there and produces pregnancy hormones, etc. Eventually the placenta takes over and the corpus luteum dissolves. Some don't dissolve right away and form a cyst. This should dissolve too.
I am getting anxious to feel the baby move. I am also curious if it is a boy or a girl. We are going to try to find out and see what it looks like on the ultrasound. That won't be for a little while. After that we will get more serious about choosing a name. I thought of waiting 'til the birth to find out, but would like to be able to plan. Either way we will be surprised...just sooner.
The due date is July 22. I'm glad I should be able to finish the school year if everything goes alright.
I am very excited that I should be able to hit some good rummage sales before the baby is born next Summer. I'll be waddling and hot but finding good deals!
Until next time...
Our first appointment with the doctor was Dec. 22. We were almost 10 wks. My uterus is tilted so we couldn't hear the heartbeat, so we were able to see the heart beating 170 beats/minute (good and strong) through ultrasound. We got 3 ultrasound pictures. The length was good.
Also, I kept having a "pain" or uncomfortable feeling on the left side of my abdomen. The doctor first thought it was the round ligament pulling, but further investigation suggested that it was a cyst on my ovary. He said it is normal and will go away. I read further in What to Expect When You Are Expecting. It said that women have corpus luteum develop each month and it sheds after 14 days. Then the woman has her menstrual period. But when a woman gets pregnant it stays there and produces pregnancy hormones, etc. Eventually the placenta takes over and the corpus luteum dissolves. Some don't dissolve right away and form a cyst. This should dissolve too.
I am getting anxious to feel the baby move. I am also curious if it is a boy or a girl. We are going to try to find out and see what it looks like on the ultrasound. That won't be for a little while. After that we will get more serious about choosing a name. I thought of waiting 'til the birth to find out, but would like to be able to plan. Either way we will be surprised...just sooner.
The due date is July 22. I'm glad I should be able to finish the school year if everything goes alright.
I am very excited that I should be able to hit some good rummage sales before the baby is born next Summer. I'll be waddling and hot but finding good deals!
Until next time...
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