Monday, October 19, 2009

My experience breastfeeding

I just want to say that I am enjoying breastfeeding. I love the great connection between us. I am amazed at how much a little one can grow just from milk from me. It wasn't easy at first especially with all the complications I experienced with the birth and after that. I did waiver and almost gave up and I was one who was determined to MAKE it work out (my pre-baby plan anyway). The nurses were encouraging. But it was my mom who really helped me get through the toughest parts and knew what I needed to do. It was one of the only things that worked out, which is one of the best things to have had work out.

Until next time...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Better pizza

I love knowing what I am going to make for supper each day. I wrote on a calendar for the month and bought everything.

Here is my first pizza using dough made from scratch. I made a few batches and froze them. I thawed this one out and let it rise. I used a bit too much alfredo sauce though. I would like to make an easy alfredo or white sauce instead of the jar stuff. I used canned chicken and added season-all and diced up some tomato. Of course I topped it off with a few different cheeses. Blake and I like this one. Score!