Friday, May 19, 2006


Oh, I've been sneezing a lot today. It started last night. I don't know why.

I hope to finish my application this weekend.

I also hope to get the apartment organized. I'm making some progress with the kitchen I think. It's not that difficult to put dishes in the dishwasher after one uses them. I made a clean/dirty sign on the outside so one knows that if it says dirty...put your dirty dish in there.

Anyway, our microwave went out last night, so we'll need to get a new one. It had a good run. It was a used one from L and R, which was used before they had it. So, I might look at rummage sales or just buy a cheap one from Wal-mart of Target. What am I supposed to do with the old one? Can I just throw it away or do I have to bring it to a specific place?

I've sneezed 2 or 3 times just during the time it took to write this.

There's a new bakery in town. It opened about 2 weeks ago. All of their breads, etc. are made from wheat, honey, sugar, etc. from around here. It's going to be yummy. They have french baguettes too. The only thing that I've tried here that has come somewhat close to the bread I liked in France is the Jimmy John's sandwiches bread. Delicious! I may have forgotten what the real stuff tastes like since it's been almost (July 2006) 10 years since I went to Europe.

Can't eat too much of it though. I did some emotional eating last night. I hope I do better this weekend.

Take care.

Until next time...

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