Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Plenty of Water

I just realized that all 7 steps of Stormie Omartian's Greater Health God's Way start with a "P". I think she planned it that way.

Here is Step 4: Plenty of Water

--If water remained in the body there would be no great need for a continual supply.

--We need water to replace what has been lost, and water to flush out the body. Without it, certain toxic wastes will not get out.

--Toxic waste products are eliminated from the body through four major organs: skin (perspiration), lungs (exhalation), kidneys (urine), and bowels (solid body wastes). (The average person loses about three quarts of water a day just through these natural processes.)

--...are you drinking sixty-four ounces of fresh, pure water every day?

--...water is the perfect drink.

--Can you believe that more than a pound of waste is eliminated through the skin daily? That's about one-third of all the body's impurities.

She suggests using a dry brush before a shower and a loofa in the shower.

She also suggests getting a water purifier.

Basically, I am trying to drink more water than I usually do.


Blake is home. I am happy.

I got my monthly therapeutic massage. I can move again. I need to do more stretching on a regular basis.

We ate Red Pepper. It was good. We have fudge sundaes from McD's to eat too. You see, I am a good cook.

Blake loves Cheers. He's been DVRing them and we have been enjoying them.

I gotta go drink some water.

Until next time...

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