I had a delicious peach with plain yogurt for breakfast.
From My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers, July 25: "The Sermon on the Mount is not a set of rules and regulations: it is a statement of the life we will live when the Holy Spirit is getting His way with us."
I took this picture of a boat "Calm Down" on our trip to the coast of Maine.
I was thinking about peaceful living...
Beth Moore talked about that everybody has somebody who brings the worst out in you. These people are in our lives to bring it to the surface and for us to work through it. For me, unfortunately, it is my mom. I think sometimes my students bring up things in me too. Both bring up frustration, impatience, expectations that I have for them that they may not be living up to, etc. These are people I care about a lot. I need to work through this so that we may have positive times together and loving times together. I know it isn't all the time, but like with anyone, buttons get pushed every once in awhile. I need to react in a godly way.
School is starting in less than a month. I organized some things in my classroom yesterday. I think I am ready to have a regular routine and purpose again. I'm not looking forward to winter. I am looking forward to spending time with students again. There is excitement and nervousness that comes with a new school year...new students, new curriculum, etc.
There were so many things in step 2 of Greater Health God's Way, so I will just try to pinpoint a few.
Step 2: Pure Food
--We are sick and overweight because we eat more refined food than we do natural pure food.
--Natural foods, the way God made them or as close as possible to the way He made them, promote health, strength, endurance, and life. Processed foods promote disease and death.
--Genesis 1:29, 9:3
--When you eat refined, processed, devitalized foods, your body is not nourished and you don't feel satisfied, so you overeat to make up for it.
--Everything is permissible--but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible--but not everything is constructive. -1 Corinthians 10:23
--Every three months we get a new bloodstream, every eleven months each cell in our body has been renewed, and every two years we get a new bone structure.
--We were created to be alive until we die, not dying the whole time we're alive.
--It's what we do every day that determines whether we will be healthy or sick.
--What we really need is less food, better quality food, and simpler food than we tend to eat now.
--Don't let weight loss be your concern at first, let it be good health. Be patient. Take it a step and a day at a time.
--Don't plan for failure.
--Do not think that eating god's way is restrictive. It isn't. His laws are never restrictive--they are releasing. They are there to give us a more fulfilling life.
--Above all, let your main reason for losing weight be to have a long, healthy life of service to the Lord.
--You have 260 trainable taste buds. Eating habits are learned and you can teach yourself to eat any way you want.
--...just keep it simple.
--Don't feel you have to clean your plate because of all the starving children in India. They aren't going to feel any better if you're overweight. (fast and pray or send money)
--Overeating is never good--not even on special occasions. Have a calmness about food, not a desperate greediness.
--When choosing food always ask yourself, "Is this man-made or God-made?"
There is much more about foods to avoid and foods to eat, etc. Good stuff.
Calm down, keep it simple.
Until next time...
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