--Nutrition specialists say that three things shorten people's lives: too much stress, poor eating habits, and lack of exercise.
--You must know that you were not made to do nothing.
--All exercise helps the body to do three extremely important things: eliminate poisons, increase circulation, and strengthen muscles.
--You have to have a plan.
--Schedule your exercise time. Which times you choose are not important as long as they are consistent and regular.
--The abdominal muscles are the most difficult to firm and will be the last ones to get into shape on an out-0f-shape person just beginning an exercise program. So do not look at your tummy every day...
--As for exercise, Jesus was a walker.
--...plan social events around some kind of physical activity.
--...everything you do counts.
--There will be many times when you won't feel like getting up to do something, but you'll always be glad you did.
Then she lists 40 good reasons to exercise.
It was quite the storm last night! Our streets flooded, so I brought the garbage in during the downpour. Yes, the same garbage I had the whole dog-running-away fiasco for. I got my shower! ha! I was glad to see it was all dried up this morning.
I walked the dog this morning when it was still cool.
I went shopping today at the Christian bookstore and got a cross with grapes and a verse to put up in the kitchen. Then I went to Wal-mart, Target, and Best Buy. None of them had what I want to get Blake for his birthday. It is available online, but I don't have time to order it. Maybe I could get it for him for Christmas. I did purchase a few things for his birthday though.
Emmitt is missing Blake a lot. He keeps looking for him.
I have kind of a hard time when Blake isn't home at night. I miss him.
I am enjoying my time by myself too. I've been kind of relaxed and the tv hasn't been on much. The quiet is nice.
Blake should be coming home tomorrow evening. I'm looking forward to seeing him.
Until next time...
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