Wednesday, January 02, 2008

When is the next vacation?

It is interesting to check out when the next vacation is when one is returning back to work from a vacation. Don't get me wrong. I was very excited to see my students today. I was glad that all of them were back and well. I'm glad to be getting back into a routine again. I was just not excited to get up early again or have to think about planning.

So, what would I rather be doing? I would probably just sit on the couch "watching" sports with Blake and/or be online or watch a movie or read a book. I would like to think that I would organize the basement or my closet and clean the house, but I'm just not that ambitious all the time. I would also like to think that I would volunteer somewhere and visit with older folks at a nursing home or something. But I am lazy. Laziness is not something that God wants for me, but it seems that that is what I am always tempted to be. So, I guess a goal for this year is to be less lazy.

Even one of my students knows by saying today that we make "resolutions" to change during the year "to be a better person." An 8 year old knows this. I know this. Knowing and doing are 2 different things, but knowing is a step in the right direction.

Less Laziness=LL

Until next time...

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