Thursday, July 13, 2006

Still waiting...that's life

Well, I've been thinking about life a lot lately while I am waiting to see if I get this teaching position. There are lots of things I'd like to do. I don't want to just float through life. I want to live "on purpose." The following are thoughts of what I may like to do/accomplish someday in no particular order.

  1. Go back to London.
  2. Do missions (short term/long term)
  3. Get married to the one for me
  4. Have children (2 or 3)
  5. Get a masters degree
  6. Get another bachelor's degree (Social Work/English)
  7. Go on a cruise (Christian one)
  8. Teach at a Christian School
  9. Teach at a small ND school
  10. Own my own business (crafts/baking)
  11. Wherever I am show people Jesus
  12. Read the Bible every day
  13. Go to Boston/Maine to see family
  14. Go to New York to see David Letterman
  15. Go to a Faith Hill/Tim McGraw concert
  16. Buy a hybrid car
  17. Wherever I am follow the Lord's leading
  18. Enjoy and love people
  19. Be a public speaker on something I am passionate about
  20. Get published
  21. Travel often
  22. Get a Pulitzer (just kidding, but I do want a Nobel Prize, just kidding)
  23. Sell stuff on eBay
  24. Dress nice
  25. Be my goal weight
  26. Play tennis
  27. Cross Country ski
  28. Buy a PS2 and do Dance Dance Revolution
  29. Work hard at my job
  30. Be encouraging to anyone I come in contact with
  31. Go to Hawaii
  32. Be a photographer
  33. Be the woman God wants me to be

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi from Springwheat! What a variety!