Saturday, January 17, 2009

Almost 14 weeks pregnant!

Yes, I am pregnant with our first child. I have pretty much been feeling icky (morning sickness all day) for the past 3 months or since Thanksgiving. We found out Nov. 18 using a home pregnancy test. I have been wanting fruit, fruit, and more fruit (mostly oranges, pineapple, frozen berries, and grapes). I like tacos and sloppy joes too. I've never liked popsicles and sherbet so much! I have had quite a few food aversions. I have lost count how many times I have puked now. Brushing my teeth poses a problem and triggers the gagging. This past week I had 2 days where I felt better. I'm feeling ok today. I'm constantly tired. I do know it could be worse.

Our first appointment with the doctor was Dec. 22. We were almost 10 wks. My uterus is tilted so we couldn't hear the heartbeat, so we were able to see the heart beating 170 beats/minute (good and strong) through ultrasound. We got 3 ultrasound pictures. The length was good.

Also, I kept having a "pain" or uncomfortable feeling on the left side of my abdomen. The doctor first thought it was the round ligament pulling, but further investigation suggested that it was a cyst on my ovary. He said it is normal and will go away. I read further in What to Expect When You Are Expecting. It said that women have corpus luteum develop each month and it sheds after 14 days. Then the woman has her menstrual period. But when a woman gets pregnant it stays there and produces pregnancy hormones, etc. Eventually the placenta takes over and the corpus luteum dissolves. Some don't dissolve right away and form a cyst. This should dissolve too.

I am getting anxious to feel the baby move. I am also curious if it is a boy or a girl. We are going to try to find out and see what it looks like on the ultrasound. That won't be for a little while. After that we will get more serious about choosing a name. I thought of waiting 'til the birth to find out, but would like to be able to plan. Either way we will be surprised...just sooner.

The due date is July 22. I'm glad I should be able to finish the school year if everything goes alright.

I am very excited that I should be able to hit some good rummage sales before the baby is born next Summer. I'll be waddling and hot but finding good deals!

Until next time...

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