Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Well, I'm feeling better during the day. I am pretty much "done" for the day about 6pm. I am pretty tired then. I need to eat whenever I wake up at night and before I get out of bed in the morning. I can finally stomach saltine crackers.

I've been getting bigger. Blake said that I am walking like a pregnant woman sometimes. He wants to make sure I include that he thinks it is cute! awww!

Monday, we find out if the baby is a boy or girl. I've been leaning toward boy, Blake thinks girl. I really don't know. It would be nice to have a boy as the oldest, but it would be fun to buy pink frilly things for a girl.

I think I might have felt the baby moving on Saturday. It is kind of a rolling, fluttering feeling. It is neat and helps further the bonding. I do want to be certain of feeling it all the time though. All in due time, then too much kicking.

Monday's ultrasound will show me if the baby is alright so I can worry a little less.

I am 17 weeks pregnant.

I plan to breastfeed.

I plan to use a combination of disposable and cloth diapers. I have looked at bum genius and fuzzi bunz cloth diapers online. If you have used both or either, please give me your advice and experiences. Where you recommend buying them would also be helpful. Any other cloth diaper advice is invited as well.

We (the teachers, staff, and kids) were to dress up for school as a Bible character, your hero, what you want to be when you grow up, etc. I didn't really think of anything, so I went as myself. I was a teacher who wants to be a mom. ha!

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about Emmitt, has he put this thought in about what it might be? That kid is going to come in and wonder what's wrong with this family haha