Sunday, August 03, 2008

Dog bath

A couple of days ago I gave the dog a bath. Yes, all by myself. Usually Blake gives him a bath but I wanted to clean the bathtub/shower and Blake was at work. He usually has to carry him into the bathtub and Emmitt is fine after that. So, I got the stuff ready...towel, dog shampoo, glass to pour water the bathroom.

I called Emmitt upstairs and he saw the stuff and ran downstairs. Great! I wanted it to be a good experience with treats, etc. So, I lured him with cheerios, but he didn't go too far with those. Then I got the dog biscuits, broke them up, and put a trail up the stairs into the bathroom. He ate them all, got the one in the bathroom, I tried to shut the door and he ran downstairs! AWWW! I tried just pushing him upstairs. He's about 35 pounds, so I can't carry him. Plus, he puts all his weight down so it's even harder to lift him. I put him outside because he knew I was getting frustrated. Later, I invited him in but he didn't want to...thinking I was trying to give him a bath. I got him in and later I put his harness and leash on that we walk him with and dragged him into the bathroom. I did not want to do it that way, but now I had him in the room I wanted him in.

Now in the room, I dragged, fought, tried to lift him into the bath. I'm sweating so much by now. I felt that I needed another shower. Finally I got him in there. He was fine while I put shampoo on him and scrubbed him. I put some treats on the ledge of the bathtub but he wouldn't go near them. It was like he was saying "you can't make me eat a treat" even though you got me in the bathtub. I turned my head and he ate it all. Silly dog! I dried him off and brushed him outside and gave him another treat.

I don't think I'll do that often. I got so frustrated and sweaty chasing the dog again. Now he is clean and content.

Life with a dog...I gotta go give my dog a hug.

Until next time...

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