Friday, July 02, 2010

Friday's Feast

I decided to change the name from Feasting Friday to Friday's Feast. If you can come up with something more clever please let me know. :)

We are in charge of coffee connection on Sunday after the church service. I like to call it cookie connection since I don't really drink much coffee. heh :) And that day is July 4. So, I am trying to make festive red, white, and blue cookies without them having to be too difficult. There are lots out there to frost and decorate. But with a little one that is just too time consuming. We are celebrating her first birthday that day too! And I am making her cake/cupcakes. I will post the result of that sometime.

Anyway, I tried some cookies yesterday. The recipe I found seemed easy enough. It was meant for kids to do it. I found that they weren't detailed enough like the butter should be melted even though they didn't say that. Anyway, the point was for the cookie to have a layer each of red, white, and blue and taste good. Here is the result:

Not the prettiest things but taste like a cookie.

I have a 2nd recipe that I will be trying for a different type of red, white, and blue cookie. I will post those results too.

What have you made that is red, white, and blue?

Until next time...

1 comment:

Melissa Nicole said...

I am making Andrew a red, white and blue strawberry and blueberry jello cake. I usually make more interesting birthday cakes, but he loves fruit, so it will be good. I also plan on making little flag cookies with the bigger kids today. Maybe I can post a picture on facebook later. Hope your cookie and cake baking is fun on this hot day. :)