Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mothering Monday: Diapers

Diapers are never-ending. Ok, eventually they are. But right now it is a constant.

Before Emma was born we decided to do a combination of cloth diapers and disposables. We bought some used cloth Fuzzi Bunz pocket diapers.

Blake changed most of her diapers right away since I was healing from the c-section. We used disposables for 2 months (can't quite remember how long) before we tried the cloth ones. We used those for about 3 weeks. I am all for cloth diapering. It didn't work out too well for us. We gave up. Maybe it was the convenience of disposables. Maybe because it was taking me longer to heal and we got frustrated with the constant washing, folding, etc. of the diapers. Maybe it was that the used ones were older ones and not as good as newer ones. Maybe it was that Emma's clothes weren't fitting and she looked really weird with these weirdly bulky cloth diapers. Maybe because they leaked a lot and we had to change her and her clothes a lot. Maybe it was that I was tired and she had her first colds and we were first parents. Too overwhelming.

We could have made it work but we didn't. Has there been something in parenting that you wanted to do but "gave up"?

Until next time...

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