Thursday, July 08, 2010

Thursday Review: Gerber Food

I think many have thoughts that food made by Gerber are very healthy and great for babies. Of course through commercials, etc. we are led to believe it. But when I look at the ingredients of jarred food and Gerber graduates puffs and other food I beg to differ. There are so many fillers and things I don't even know what they are. What happened to just food? I want my baby to just have veggies and beef. I don't want the parsley or onion powder in it or whatever else is in it.

Emma has had some jarred baby food however. I don't want her to like processed food but she likes both processed and unprocessed. She likes real sweet potato but doesn't like the Gerber sweet potato flavored snack puffs. There aren't many foods she doesn't like so it is interesting that she likes the real thing instead of the majorly processed item. I am glad.

So, Gerber is not really that healthy.

Until next time...


Casey said...

I'm not sure if you know (or care), but Gerber is owned by Nestle, and Nestle is not exactly known for either their ethical business practices or the nutritive content of its foods. For many reasons, we choose not to buy Gerber products.

Miss Crys said...

I did not know Gerber was owned by Nestle. But I have heard about some of Nestle's doings.