Friday, May 05, 2006

It is Friday!

The weekend is here already. The weather is getting nicer too. Although there was frost on the car windows this morning.

Wednesday night I worked in the church library. I shelved the returned books. Plus, I finished bringing all of the books to the front of the shelves so they are easier to see and look nicer. As I was doing that I picked out 49 books to be in the display rack in the foyer. I don't look forward to shelving all of those. There are so many old books, the newer books get lost in between. I hope to really minister to people through books, so I'm trying to think of ways to get new books or fundraise to get new books. I'd still like to do a children's story time. I'd also like to get an inventory or card catalog of all the books. Eventually maybe even put it online!

I decided to take an English class called Modern Grammar. I think this will count toward my English as a Second Language (ESL) endorsement. I think it will be interesting.

I got my teacher's license in the mail yesterday. Now they expire on one's birthday so I actually have about 2.5 years for my 2-year license since my birthday isn't until October. I can teach grades 1-8, but 7 and 8 only if the school is considered an elementary school.

Now I need to update my credential file (new license, resume, etc.) and complete the Christian school (grades 1-8) application. There are a couple openings in the elementary grades. I would love to teach there. We'll see what God has in store for me. I just want to be where I'm supposed to be not only where I think I should or want to be. It's not all about me.

The university's staff lunch, Spring Fling, was good. I like sloppy joes. The music was nice. The walk to the Hyslop was nice, but a little cool. There were lots of people there. N came too.

N's brother stayed at our place last night. He's a hoot.

Galatians 5:22-23

Until next time...

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