Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

The weather was sure nice for Memorial Day weekend. I stayed inside and kept cool most of the time. Did you really expect me to go outside? My handsome man grilled a couple times for us. Yummy.

I had my first test for my class yesterday. I think I did ok. I couldn't remember some things though. *UPDATE* I got a 91/A-. So I did better than I thought but not as good as I wanted.

I handed in my teacher's application to the Christian school on Friday. Career services is probably sending my credential file there today. I had requested a current transcript be sent to be included in the file, but I am having them send the credential file with the old one. The "transcript maker" is quite busy right now. I talked to the registrar and my degree hadn't transferred from the old computer system to the new one. I thought this was quite hilarious *sarcasm*. They are going to fix that so my transcript will say that I have a degree. So, if you graduated from any college in North Dakota I think you might want to check to see if everything is right. Anyway, now as one of my co-workers (L) said about my teacher's application...It is time to let go and let God. So, now I'll just have to wait to see if I get an interview.

Grandma went to Mayo Clinic again. She has more lung cancer. This time it is inoperable because it is by the esophagus and, I think, the lymph nodes. They probably are going to do chemo. and radiation. She should be coming home Thursday. She had chemo at the beginning of this year as a preventative measure. I guess it didn't do it. She moved into a new place right before she left, so she won't have to do that now.

I have my roommate back and probably getting another one today.

Until next time...

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